Green Hydrogen Economy Prepares to Take Off

The worldwide hydrogen economy is set to become sustainable, and the benefits to the environment will be enormous. The signals are evident, with investments and initiatives springing up around the globe.

Moreover, despite their prominent coverage in the media, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles represent only a small portion of the trend. Their introduction is, of course, wonderful news for green transportation, but the whole hydrogen economy is hundreds of times larger.

Because hydrogen is made just from water, it does not pollute the atmosphere. The problem is that it is usually created using fossil fuels like coal or natural gas.

The Importance of Hydrogen

Why do we rely so heavily on hydrogen? Its value stems from its adaptability.

It is commonly employed in the manufacture of basic chemical compounds, but it also has the advantage of being combustible. As such, it has the potential to gradually substitute natural gas in household consumption.

It is possible to introduce up to 10% of hydrogen into distribution lines without needing people to replace their heating or cooking appliances. Furthermore, hydrogen is an electricity generation vector. It can be transformed into electricity and used to drive a motor.

As one might expect, expanding the application of hydrogen across all of these fields would be a significant step toward fulfilling the planet’s decarbonization ambitions. In reality, without clean hydrogen, meeting net zero carbon climate goals is simply not doable.

There are two parts to this: using sustainable hydrogen as a tool to decarbonize the present economy and using hydrogen for modern innovations. Indeed, what’s the point of producing fuel cell vehicles if the hydrogen they use emits CO2 during production?

The issue isn’t whether finding commercial applications for sustainable hydrogen is a smart option for the environment, but how to achieve it. The solution is to boost the technical viability and cost-effectiveness of the sustainable hydrogen economy in order to greatly increase its supply.

Shifting to decarbonized hydrogen for existing industrial purposes is expected to involve expanding current global output by a ten-fold increase. We need large investments, governmental willpower, and, of all, the proper materials to accomplish it.

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