Oman to Hold a Public Auction for the First Green Hydrogen Land Plots

The Sultanate of Oman’s hydrogen-centric energy firm, Hydrom, has formally begun the first phase of public auctions of site licenses for the construction of green hydrogen facilities. According to a tweet from the company, Hydrom’s first round of public auctions should begin on November 6th.

Since Oman’s green hydrogen plan was unveiled, interested foreign investors and companies have been encouraged to communicate their enthusiasm in bidding for the first of many land units provided for construction by Hydrom.

The initial round of tenders in Duqm encompasses two blocks totaling around 320 square kilometers. They represent one of six blocks that will be leased off as a component of the program’s Phase A.

Oman has designated around 50,000 square kilometers of land in the region for long-term green energy development. These plots, which are divided into 320-square-meter blocks, will be given to winning bidders in exchange for 47-year land rights.

Long-term rental fees start at 20 baizes per square meter. However, the cumulative gains of the developer’s planned project in terms of the socioeconomic significance it brings to the community will be taken into account.

Hydrom’s mandate includes defining government-owned land regions as well as designing associated large-scale green hydrogen infrastructure. The organization is also in charge of administering the process of allocating them to developers and encouraging the construction of shared infrastructures.

The current target of Oman is to increase green hydrogen output to 3.75 million tonnes per year by 2040. To fulfill its output target by 2050, the nation anticipates a total investment of $140 billion throughout this whole time period.

According to officials, only serious developers will be allowed land allotment. Those who fail to use the allotted area for their particular project within a certain span of time will have it taken away from them.

The scope of green hydrogen projects includes full development, which includes green hydrogen manufacturing, subsidiary conversions, and outgoing global production. Pipelines for water and hydrogen are two examples of a shared platform that will be bid on independently.

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